Wzczcwyzzwczczczcwczphobia is the fear of long Polish words/names. Examples are Konstantynopolitańczykowianeczka (a little girl from Constantinople), dziewięćdziesięciokilkuletniemu (ninety-and-some years old one) and pięćdziesięciogroszówka (a 50 groszy coin). The phobia's name is pronounced "F-z-ch-z-ch-f-zz-f-ch-z-ch-z-ch-f-ch-z-phobia".
Nauczmy się polskiego! (Nowtch-moo shyeng pol-ski-yeh-goh!)[]
One easy way to resolve this is to learn Polish spelling.
The long spellings and cz/rz/cz digraphs were developed during the Middle Ages since many of the sounds in Polish did not exist in medieval German or Latin.
Simply think of each digraph as a block: for example, cz is "tch", rz is "zh", and sz is "sh"; so "szcz" is just "sh-tch". Near a consonant or at the end of a word, "rz" is softened to "she".
ą - owng, ong before a consonant. Also om or on
ę - eh-oong, eng before a consonant. Also em or en
ć, ci - chee as in cheap
dzi - jee as in jeep
ł - "w"
ó - oo
ś, si - shee as in sheep
w - just v, f at the end of a word or before a consonant
ż - zh as in vision. Softened to sh before a consonant or at the end of a word
ź, zi - zhee
Divide every word into a syllable: so "czuk" is "chook". Then, practice the same in this example: Grzegorz. In Polish, it is "G-sheh-gosh".
Imagine every word as if it is made of blocks. To make it easier, search the word online so you can divide a word into different parts, and then by syllables.
So for example "Dzie-więć-dzie-się-cio-kil-ku-let-nie-mu", should be seen as "Jyeh-viehtch-jyeh-shyeng-chio-keel-koo-let-nyeh-moo".
Dziel i rządź! - jyel ee zhondj (Divide and conquer)
Language phobias |
unspecific language phobias Logophobia - ðe fear of words Abbreviatophobia - ðe fear of abbrevations Micrologophobia - ðe fear of short words Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - ðe fear of long words Figuralisphobia - ðe fear if figurative language Synechisesfalmeniproforophobia - ðe fear of words one is not able to pronounce Eveadphobia ðe fear of advertisements in ðe language Evenki Aibohphobia - the fear of palindromes Xenoglossophobia - the fear of forgein languages |