
Boo! Did I scare you? That's unfortunate. Anyway, Welcome to Phobiapedia!


Two horizontal stripes, the top white is white and the bottom one is red.

Polish flag.

The pronunciation of the phobia's name.

Wzczcwyzzwczczczcwczphobia is the fear of long Polish words/names. Examples are Konstantynopolitańczykowianeczka (a little girl from Constantinople), dziewięćdziesięciokilkuletniemu (ninety-and-some years old one) and pięćdziesięciogroszówka (a 50 groszy coin). The phobia's name is pronounced "F-z-ch-z-ch-f-zz-f-ch-z-ch-z-ch-f-ch-z-phobia".


Nauczmy się polskiego! (Nowtch-moo shyeng pol-ski-yeh-goh!)[]

One easy way to resolve this is to learn Polish spelling.

The long spellings and cz/rz/cz digraphs were developed during the Middle Ages since many of the sounds in Polish did not exist in medieval German or Latin.

Simply think of each digraph as a block: for example, cz is "tch", rz is "zh", and sz is "sh"; so "szcz" is just "sh-tch". Near a consonant or at the end of a word, "rz" is softened to "she".

ą - owng, ong before a consonant. Also om or on

ę - eh-oong, eng before a consonant. Also em or en

ć, ci - chee as in cheap

dzi - jee as in jeep

ł - "w"

ó - oo

ś, si - shee as in sheep

w - just v, f at the end of a word or before a consonant

ż - zh as in vision. Softened to sh before a consonant or at the end of a word

ź, zi - zhee

Divide every word into a syllable: so "czuk" is "chook". Then, practice the same in this example: Grzegorz. In Polish, it is "G-sheh-gosh".

Imagine every word as if it is made of blocks. To make it easier, search the word online so you can divide a word into different parts, and then by syllables.

So for example "Dzie-więć-dzie-się-cio-kil-ku-let-nie-mu", should be seen as "Jyeh-viehtch-jyeh-shyeng-chio-keel-koo-let-nyeh-moo".

Dziel i rządź! - jyel ee zhondj (Divide and conquer)

Language phobias
unspecific language phobias

Logophobia  - ðe fear of words Abbreviatophobia  - ðe fear of abbrevations Micrologophobia  - ðe fear of short words Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia  - ðe fear of long words Figuralisphobia - ðe fear if figurative language Synechisesfalmeniproforophobia  - ðe fear of words one is not able to pronounce Eveadphobia   ðe fear of advertisements in ðe language Evenki Aibohphobia  - the fear of palindromes Xenoglossophobia  - the fear of forgein languages

  letter phobias
Grammaphobia  - the fear of letters of the alphabet Alphaphobia  - A Betaphobia  - B Cammaphobia  - C Deltaphobia  - D Epsilonphobia  - E Gammaphobia  - G etc.

  specific word phobias
Fylophobia  - sex Hunephobia  - ho Jigotophobia  - damn Katourophobia  - pee Zomaiphobia  - f*ck Wuophobia  - ain't

 literal language phobias
Dutchphobia  - dutch Spanophobia  - Spanish Tsechoslovakikaphobia - Czech
