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Slevic Mioyi

The language Slevic Mioyi.

Slevimioyuphobia is the phobia of the fan made language Slevic Mioyi.

Slevic Flag

The flag for the official language.

Language phobias
unspecific language phobias

Logophobia  - ðe fear of words Abbreviatophobia  - ðe fear of abbrevations Micrologophobia  - ðe fear of short words Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia  - ðe fear of long words Figuralisphobia - ðe fear if figurative language Synechisesfalmeniproforophobia  - ðe fear of words one is not able to pronounce Eveadphobia   ðe fear of advertisements in ðe language Evenki Aibohphobia  - the fear of palindromes Xenoglossophobia  - the fear of forgein languages

  letter phobias
Grammaphobia  - the fear of letters of the alphabet Alphaphobia  - A Betaphobia  - B Cammaphobia  - C Deltaphobia  - D Epsilonphobia  - E Gammaphobia  - G etc.

  specific word phobias
Fylophobia  - sex Hunephobia  - ho Jigotophobia  - damn Katourophobia  - pee Zomaiphobia  - f*ck Wuophobia  - ain't

 literal language phobias
Dutchphobia  - dutch Spanophobia  - Spanish Tsechoslovakikaphobia - Czech
