Melanophobia (from Greek melano, "black") is fear of the color black. The fear may develop due to the fact that black symbolizes mourning, evil, plagues, void, loneliness and death. People who fear dirt or becoming dirty or to get lost in the void can also cause this color phobia for people who associate black with dirt, impurities, void or loneliness. Sufferers of Melanophobia avoid things that are black or very dark; encountering or even thinking about the color can cause anxiety. Since black is very common, sufferers may have difficult time to avoid seeing black, often resulting in uncontrolled anxiety when there are a bit of black around. This makes life lot more challenging meaning they would need special ed in school for treatment.
Average sufferers would avoid going out at night, staying in dark rooms or closing their eyes, causing insomnia, for fear of being absorbed by the emptiness that the colour black gives the illusion of having in various common settings such the ones mentioned before. This fear is also linked to the fear of darkness or void, but the three can be differentiated, in this case Melanophobia focuses on the colour black by including it in common things that could be black, while the other two focus on the fear of shadows, darkness and emptiness without being triggered by common objects of this colour.
Color phobias |
Erythrophobia (fear of red) · Cyanophobia (fear of blue) · Xanthophobia (fear of yellow) · Prasinophobia (fear of green) · Chrysophobia (fear of orange) · Porphyrophobia (fear of purple) · Rhodophobia (fear of pink) · Kastanophobia (fear of brown) · Tyrkouphobia (fear of turquoise) · Persicophobia (fear of peach) · Glaucophobia (fear of gray) · Melanophobia (fear of black) · Leukophobia (fear of white) · Chlorosphobia (fear of chartreuse) · |