
Boo! Did I scare you? That's unfortunate. Anyway, Welcome to Phobiapedia!


Stevn hes dad looking disgusted
Stevens he dad with slipper

GiatitafantasmatadenstoicheionounousAsiatesphobia is the fear of the series of videos by steven he

steven he phobias
KalampokitouPekinouphobia (the fear of beijing corn) · OStíveneínaiobampaspouleeipospigestoscholeiophobia (fear of steven he's dad telling us how to get to school) · Asiatesgoneispoupernoúnapotodomatiosasphobia (the fear of asians going through your room video) · Synaisthimatikivlaviphobia (fear of emotional damage) · ThasesteilostonIisouphobia (fear of steven he saying i will send you to jesus ) · OStiveneinaibampasphobia(the fear of steven hes dad) · Otaniasiatikieinaimiadyskoliaphobia (the fear of the steven he series when asian is a diffucly) · GiatitafantasmatadenstoicheionounousAsiatesphobia (the fear of the series why ghosts don't haunt asians) · OtanoiAsiatesgoneislygizounphobia (the fear of steven he's video series when asian parents flex) · Ochiallaeinaikaliekthesiphobia (the fear of steven he saying no but good exposure) · Otanolaeinaiektosmarkasphobia ( is the fear of the trilogy when everything is offbrand) · OStiveneinaiobampaspoukratamiapantoflaphobia (the fear of steven he's dad holding a slipper)