
Boo! Did I scare you? That's unfortunate. Anyway, Welcome to Phobiapedia!


Steven he holding soap
Steven hes dad looking at toilet paper
Stevn hes dad holding a calculator

is the fear of the video series asian parents going through your room i wont ever stop

steven he phobias
KalampokitouPekinouphobia (the fear of beijing corn) · OStíveneínaiobampaspouleeipospigestoscholeiophobia (fear of steven he's dad telling us how to get to school) · Asiatesgoneispoupernoúnapotodomatiosasphobia (the fear of asians going through your room video) · Synaisthimatikivlaviphobia (fear of emotional damage) · ThasesteilostonIisouphobia (fear of steven he saying i will send you to jesus ) · OStiveneinaibampasphobia(the fear of steven hes dad) · Otaniasiatikieinaimiadyskoliaphobia (the fear of the steven he series when asian is a diffucly) · GiatitafantasmatadenstoicheionounousAsiatesphobia (the fear of the series why ghosts don't haunt asians) · OtanoiAsiatesgoneislygizounphobia (the fear of steven he's video series when asian parents flex) · Ochiallaeinaikaliekthesiphobia (the fear of steven he saying no but good exposure) · Otanolaeinaiektosmarkasphobia ( is the fear of the trilogy when everything is offbrand) · OStiveneinaiobampaspoukratamiapantoflaphobia (the fear of steven he's dad holding a slipper)